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Runaway Mobility Scooter Carries Off Woman 2

87-year-old Eileen Bishop was saved from a scooter kidnapping by police when they managed to stop her mobility device 5 miles from her home. Eileen and her husband were on their way to church when the scooter sped off with her. Her husband said said the scooter, which "hadn't been going that well," was set to three-quarters speed. "Suddenly she passed me at full tilt," Mr Bishop said. "I shouted after her but she is a bit deaf. I couldn't chase her as I've had a triple heart bypass. She just disappeared off the radar." Officers found Mrs Bishop after a motorist reported a mobility scooter "swerving" across the road near Pendown Cross, five miles away. The scooter was taken into custody but had no comment.


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Runaway Mobility Scooter Carries Off Woman

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She sells cshs by the cshore.
