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Buying an "A" Grade In Ontario Is Going To Get Harder 3

Education Minister Kathleen Wynne plans to tighten scrutiny of part-time private schools that some say are granting public school teens A-plus credits with little accountability. Richer students are able to take or retake several subjects at the private schools to get high marks to add to their transcripts and gain an edge for university and scholarships. On average these students land a mark that is 20 points higher. "Students say they are earning high grades (from private schools) without having to attend classes, without having to write exams and some are guaranteed specific final grades as soon as they sign on the dotted line and pay their fee," Wynne wrote to the Ontario Universities' Council on Admissions. Someone finally sets up a school system that accurately reflects "The Real World," and it gets shut down.


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Buying an "A" Grade In Ontario Is Going To Get Harder

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  • by Anonymous Coward

    It's about time to close this well-known loophole. It's unfair on several levels. Not only by taking university enrollment from students with real knowledge, but at the first year government supported university scholarships are also awarded based on the highschool marks. Paying for high marks is basically immediately "reimbursed" by the scholarship. I am surprized noone sued anyone for this unfair practice, which is basically stealing taxpayers money.

She sells cshs by the cshore.
