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Pupils Urged To Attack Dummy Teachers 3

A middle school in China has encouraged children to punch effigies of their teachers to work out frustration. Lichang 1st Middle School in Jinan puts pictures of their teachers on sandbags and gives the kids boxing gloves as part of a new "physical release" program. The school also offers private chat and consultation rooms so the students can use their words and not their fists, but Vice principal Meng Fanxiang says that most boys choose the sandbags. "Adolescent students may have a lot of problems and be under great pressure from studies. It's better for them to release it within the school than other places," Meng says. While this is a big step in the battle against school and workplace resentment, it is still frowned upon to tape a sign that reads, "Your Face!" to a pumpkin in your boss's front yard and shoot it with an AR-15. I guess everyone deals with frustration differently.


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Pupils Urged To Attack Dummy Teachers

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  • To me at least this is common sense stupid, but I am often myself told I am stupid. So I guess either everybody else is crazy or it's me that is crazy. I'm hoping it is everybody else.


    Ref. []

    Yeah. So those people who like to yell and scream and make the excuse that it is healthy to "let go", "cathart" (sic), and be irrational; well they will likely (as experience has demonstrated to me) just call it "social" science (as opposed to real science).

  • It is still frowned upon to tape a sign that reads, "Your Face!" to a pumpkin in your boss's front yard and shoot it with an AR-15. Why does is sound like samzenpus is speaking from personal experience? Man, I'd hate to be his boss!

Lo! Men have become the tool of their tools. -- Henry David Thoreau
