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Robber Steals Man's Dentures At Gunpoint 2

Joseph Nativo, 47, is accused of taking 40-year-old Gennario Sibbio's dentures at gunpoint. Gennario says that Joseph, an ex-colleague, pulled a gun and took $1,200, two cell phones, a coat, a Bluetooth wireless device, and his dentures. Nativo says he took the dentures, but he didn't pull a gun and that Gennario isn't a colleague, but a former employee who stole from him. "He's not my partner. He's my employee," Nativo said, "I fired him, let him go. I paid for his new teeth to be put in... I told him to leave the company. I asked for my teeth back. He owes me over $27,000 from the company. I took his phones. I took his car. Everything that I gave him, I took it." Nativo was arrested and charged with first-degree robbery. The dentures I can understand, but the man's coat? That's cold.


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Robber Steals Man's Dentures At Gunpoint

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  • by MyLongNickName ( 822545 ) on Thursday May 21, 2009 @02:19PM (#28043165) Journal

    I finally figured out the point of idle. You see... when I am logged in, I cannot see the idle section.l I have it blocked entirely. But when I am logged off, I always see a stupid picture or the article on the front page.

    So, I log in so I don't see the crap. Then it hit me. If you are trying to get all the metrics you can on a person, it helps to have them logged in. Before idle, I stayed logged unless I wanted to make a comment. now i am in the habit of logging in just to avoid the assault on my senses.

    Kudos Slashdot on a brilliant plan.

"Gort, klaatu nikto barada." -- The Day the Earth Stood Still
