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iPhone Application Changes the Phone Into a Baby 3

RWalrond writes "How much do you love your iPhone or iPod? Lay My Head is an interactive application that allows you to treat your iPhone/iPod the way it should be treated: Like your Special Baby! Show your love for your baby by doing what Baby asks of you; shown at the bottom of the screen. Your baby is going to want your full attention. Sometimes baby will be very demanding and will want a lot of things. Are you going to let your baby cry? If you've done all you can do, Baby is telling you I want to 'Lay My Head.' Hit the bedtime button; it will make your baby happy. Do it when people are watching; on the train from work or at the grocery store. They'll know your Phone or iPod is your baby. Don't be shy, love and pamper your baby with hugs, rocking, play a lullaby for Baby and more! Remember nobody likes a cry-baby! So Go Ahead! Make all the other phones and people jealous, and love your Baby!" And the winner of creepiest app ever goes to ...


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iPhone Application Changes the Phone Into a Baby

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"Yeah, but you're taking the universe out of context."
