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Crank Caller Gets Employee To Trash Hotel 2

Sometimes being gullible can seem sweet or endearing. Sometimes it can lead you to smash windows, break sprinkler heads, shut off the electricity, and pull the fire alarm. Christina Bergmann was working the front desk at an Arkansas Holiday Inn, when a male caller "identified himself as an employee of Grennel Fire Sprinkler service." The man told her that there was a problem with the hotels sprinkler system. She "needed to pull the fire alarm to reset them." Christina, with the help of a destruction-loving hotel guest, proceeded to follow the caller's instructions — which resulted in damages to the hotel's windows, carpets and electrical system, totalling about $50,000.


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Crank Caller Gets Employee To Trash Hotel

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The most difficult thing in the world is to know how to do a thing and to watch someone else doing it wrong, without commenting. -- T.H. White
