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Tactical Corsets 5

Dr_Ken writes "The Tactical Corset — It's leather, for that post-apocalyptic fashion style that all pop-culture hipsters love, it lifts and separates, has garters, and includes a pistol holster and an attached equipment pouch for 'interrogation gear' too. Practical, tactical, stylish and kinky. What more could a geek like you ask for?"


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Tactical Corsets

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  • You know that somebody in Hollywood is going to write a 'B' action movie entirely around this garment. We already had the movie Barb Wire, so maybe it will be a remake.
    • Sorry, but it's been done [imdb.com]. Note the viewer summary Re: the two female leads in this movie, "One is obsessed by Houdini, the other designs self-defense bras."

      (Fun movie, by the way, just don't expect anything profound.)

  • In order to figure out whether this is a good idea, I'm going to have to see pictures of a real woman, not just a mannequin, rocking one of these "tactical corsets".
  • by JWSmythe ( 446288 ) <(moc.ehtymswj) (ta) (ehtymswj)> on Monday June 15, 2009 @11:59PM (#28344145) Homepage Journal

        A woman in a corset is sexy. A woman with guns is sexier (I dare you argue with a gun toting PMSing woman). This is pretty damned sexy. :)

        Then again, if a squad of sexy women wearing these come up on me in a dark alley, I'm going to run away as fast as I can.

        If I've learned nothing from B movies, sexy women with guns are either your platonic friend (that you already knew) who's there to save you from an unseen killer, or there to kill you. Sometimes it's both. Nothing good can ever come of it. :)

        Now, my own personal body guards and/or death squad of sexy women wearing tactical corsets. That would rock. Ya, you'd all be distracted, drooling, and the gunfire would finish the scene rather permanently.

        Did I mention when I'm "Ultimate Ruler of the Earth" my personal body guards are going to be hot chicks just for that reason. I may have to schedule them so only the PMSing ones will be on duty, just because no how sweet and beautiful she is, no one stands a chance against her. :)

        Ya, I'm a guy. I've just learned my lessons. :)

The Shuttle is now going five times the sound of speed. -- Dan Rather, first landing of Columbia
