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Teen Wakes Up Covered In Stars 18

According to Kimberley Vlaminck, she wanted to get three star tattoos, giving her an unhirability score of 1. Instead, she got a score of 10 with 56 stars on her face and a good lesson in why you should never fall asleep at the tattoo parlor. The artist, Rouslan Toumaniantz, says Kimberly "got what she wanted" and is only complaining now because her dad got angry and her boyfriend wanted a girl with stars in her eyes, not all over her face. "It is horrible," said Kimberley. "He has turned me into a freak. I can't go out on the street now without people looking at me." She is suing for £10,000.


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Teen Wakes Up Covered In Stars

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  • Fell asleep? (Score:3, Insightful)

    by oldspewey ( 1303305 ) on Tuesday June 16, 2009 @01:05PM (#28350815)
    Somebody please help me understand this. How exactly do you sleep through the process of having 56 tattoos carved into your face?
  • by Bocaj ( 84920 ) on Tuesday June 16, 2009 @01:05PM (#28350821) Homepage

    Fell asleep my @55. She passed out is more likely. Tattooing hurts, it's not something you fall asleep during.

    • I agree, its hard to see how anyone can fall asleep while getting zapped with a tattoo gun. The process is not painless. Even giving 1 minute per star that's 55 minutes she sat there asleep with a tattoo gun punching stars in her face. I don't buy it.
  • So she went to a tattoo parlor where she admits that she new the artist couldn't understand her. Choose to get the tattoos anyways, fell asleep during it and now wants to complain that she didn't get what she wanted?!? Fuck off!!

  • NFW (Score:1, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward

    I have two tattoos and know of people that have had tattoos put in area's that have bone in close proximity. There is no way you can fall asleep because you are constantly fighting the urge to push the artist away that is poking you with a very sharp instrument that vibrates. Also you usually have to find a happy place to put your mind at, so you can keep still and not move while they do their work.

    The Artist usually makes a template to work from and places it on your skin, asks you if that is what

    • If the girl fell asleep it was after she knew what she was in for and was wasted off her ass, which if true, the artist shouldn't have done the work in the first place.

      I'd mod you up if you weren't posting AC. This is the first place I've read that speaks of tattoists as artists with a set of ethics.

      I'd never have one myself (nobody dislikes needles like a diabetic) but if my daughter showed up like that I'd (a) believe the artist should lose his license for the reasons you stated, and (b) do everything in my power to convince her she looks fantastic that way, starting with a hug.

      • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

        by stevied ( 169 ) *
        It's probably utterly un-PC to say it, but at her age you can get away with pretty much anything and still look bloody cute -- she *does* look fantastic. I think I'd be inclined to gradually start having them lasered off, though. It might hard to grow old gracefully otherwise ..

        And yes, how /do/ you "fall asleep" while getting a tat? How much of exactly what do you have to take? Enquiring minds want to do know :/
  • No doubt she passed out either drunk or drugged, either way tattooists shouldn't allow people under any influence to be chopped, common medical sense. Then again that news site looks *very* credible, with anon reporters and all
  • Am I the only one seeing that she got a tattoo of a 3, made with little stars ?

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