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Game Show Looks To Convert Atheists 4

In addition to making the perfect bar joke, what happens when you take an Imam, a priest, a rabbi, a Buddhist monk, and 10 atheists — and put them in the same room? Hopefully for a new Turkish game show, the most entertaining conversion you've ever seen. The prize for converts is a pilgrimage to a holy site of their new religion: Mecca for Muslims, the Vatican for Christians, Jerusalem for Jews, and Tibet for Buddhists. As you might have guessed, Muslim authorities in Turkey don't see the entertainment value of the show. High Board of Religious Affairs Chairman Hamza Aktan said, "Doing something like this for the sake of ratings is disrespectful to all religions. Religion should not be a subject for entertainment programs."


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Game Show Looks To Convert Atheists

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  • Swank (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Stargoat ( 658863 ) <> on Monday July 06, 2009 @11:35AM (#28595845) Journal
    But what happens when an atheist convinces a religious authority of the truth about god and religion? More specifically, that after extensive searches, there is no verifiable proof of the existence of a god, and therefore god should be assumed not to exist. Do the religious authorities get to go anywhere particularly atheist? Like, say, the Galapagos Islands or perhaps a tour of the various places associated with Shelley? Maybe an overnight stay at D'Holbach House? Or a nicely bound set of literature and scientific reviews? What would the atheist version of Mecca be?
  • It's not comedy until they run a tournament of champions special.
  • In addition to the rabbi, priest, imam, etc., they should include a Christian. That would greatly increase the chance of a conversion.

If you want to put yourself on the map, publish your own map.
