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Missouri Car Dealer To Give Away AK-47 With New Truck 66

Frizbie writes "Max Motors in Butler, Missouri is giving away free AK-47 assault rifles with the purchase of a new truck. The promotion starts in the beginning of August. The video of CNN's coverage of the promotion shows Mark Muller being interviewed by a woman who was taking a very strong stand against what Muller had to say; however, it seems to have backfired pretty heavily."

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Missouri Car Dealer To Give Away AK-47 With New Truck

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  • Do want!
  • There might be a picture (as the linked story says) of an AK-47 assault rifle on that page, but (even aside from the mentioned fact that it's a voucher, not a gun, that buyers get) they almost certainly won't be buying an assault rifle, just a lookalike. Unless the dealer is somehow magically and illegally supplying them all with selective-fire capability. Pretty tough (expensive, long process) for ordinary Americans to buy any guns with selective (or plain full-auto) guns; those are only for the gub'mint,

    • You can legally buy a real AK here in the states, but they're just converted to semi-auto.
      • by MBGMorden ( 803437 ) on Tuesday July 21, 2009 @03:50PM (#28774651)

        That's not really a "real" AK though. It's a clone version made as a semi-automatic. You CAN indeed buy a "real" select fire AK though if you want. You can buy a real M16 if you want, or a registered full-auto sear kit for an AR15 that converts it to selective fire mode.

        It's not a well known fact, but in most US states as long as it was made prior to 1986 it's legal for a civilian to purchase a selective fire/full auto gun (ie, a machine gun). It just takes a background check, notification to your local chief law enforcement officer (sheriff or chief of police), and a special tax stamp from the BATF for each one (it's $300 IIRC). Not many people bother though because they cost a fortune. Not only to shoot (full auto fire is an expensive waste of ammo for fun shooting at the range), but also for the gun itself. $3000 minimum for a junker WW2 relic that barely functions, to upwards of $10,000 for a decent gun. Even just the registered full auto sear for an AR-15 (which is literally a small part that any machinist could churn out of a block of metal for $50) will run you $8000 and up just because finding a part to LEGALLY convert your brand new AR15 rifle into a machine gun is worth that much to people.

        • Even just the registered full auto sear for an AR-15 (which is literally a small part that any machinist could churn out of a block of metal for $50) will run you $8000 and up just because finding a part to LEGALLY convert your brand new AR15 rifle into a machine gun is worth that much to people.

          And isn't that just a kick in the nuts? A gun toting thug that intends to kill rival gang members or commit armed robbery doesn't give a rats ass if he gets an extra charge for having an illegal class III weapon, and has no problem with putting an illegally fabricated auto sear into a gun or making any other illegal modification to a firearm, all he needs is access to a machine shop and a meth head that works there to make it in exchange for some dope. Hell, an electric motor and a paddle gear or a simple a

      • Re: (Score:1, Informative)

        by Anonymous Coward

        TTBOMK clone commercial "AK-47s" are not converted military rifles and cannot accept military parts that will allow selective fire without nontrivial (remilling/stamping/drilling the receiver) and illegal modification. Of course there are a few million grandfathered weapons that predate this legal requirement, though it's still illegal to convert them back to full auto. And of course MGBM is right about real Assault Rifles, SMGs, and machine guns that fulfill the proper military definitions of those terms.

  • Its not a true ak-47 at the price he's offering the voucher for. A real one, would be in the thousands ( legal that is, i have no idea the black market value ), so its just a semi-automatic rifle.

    • You can get surplus soviet AK-47s for a few hundred dollars. The gun stores here frequently have them.
      • I mentioned it in an earlier post, but those are generally semi-auto clones (most commonly Romanian, not Russian). A real, select fire AK-47 will run several thousand $$$ and require a lot more bg checks and paperwork than your standard gun purchase. Still, if you want one they can indeed be legally purchased (in most states anyways - in the extremely anti-gun states like California, Maryland, Massachusetts, etc, there are usually state laws that restrict it).

  • You know why you carry a gun, Because carrying a police officer would be heavy. Police can not save you in quick situations where a few seconds tons of things can happen.
  • You can't save the world but can save your life.
    • the AK-47 is, by definition, an assault rifle. It is designed for attack. It has a long range, and will shoot through your house and all the houses within a straight line of your shot for 1/4 mile. A sawed off shotgun is much better for dealing with an intruder in at your door when you've just been woken up by them shooting the dog. Also, a nice pack of dobermans will probably protect your home better than any gun.
      • the AK-47 is, by definition, an assault rifle. It is designed for attack. It has a long range, and will shoot through your house and all the houses within a straight line of your shot for 1/4 mile.

        You gonna back that up, or are you just using the "I know nothing about guns but I'm just going to make an outrageous statement about how I thinkthings are"? A 7.62x39 will penetrate 2-3 interior walls, not rows and rows of houses. Most people don't realize it, but the AK is not some uber-powerful building destroyer; in fact, it's very similar in range and power to a lever-action .30-30 hunting rifle.

        It may surprise you, but "assault rifles" were not actually developed for purposes of "long range attack".

        • Thanks for that informative post, but if I were to get a firearm, I think I would go with a semi-automatic handgun loaded with snake shot. By far and away, the only think I'm likely to need to shoot is a snake.

          A handgun would be less unwieldy for someone like me than a rifle. Any person I could ever see myself needing to shoot would be in the house. Snake shot is unlikely to kill anyone and is extremely unlikely to injure a non-target if I miss. Sure it probably won't stop a very determined attacker, bu

      • Right. Because dobermans are much better at surviving a gunshot and protecting you than a gun. However, they do make a great addition to a gun for security.
  • At least make it an AR15 instead of what is likely some ex soviet bloc knockoff - although my guess is that would cost twice as much for them to do....

    AK's are great if you get a decent one...Very reliable weapons, but the variation in quality is so wide that unless you know what you're getting, you don't REALLY know what you're getting.

    You can see how the fact that this dealer is doing this is generating publicity; very successfully I might add - look at us discussing this, we're all over the world and we'

  • And just exactly which hands are the right hands to wield lethal weapons? I don't know, I'm not inclined to accept this person's (or anyone else's) opinion about who are the "right" people. But then, I'm just not a big fan of shooting people.

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