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Finland Wins Gold In World Sauna Championships

Finland finally has something besides Linus to brag about. They have proved that they can grin and bare it longer than any other people. Timo Kaukonen proudly took the gold medal at the World Sauna Championships on Saturday. Timo sat in a 110 degrees Celsius (230 degrees Fahrenheit) sauna for 3 minutes 46 seconds, beating out his closest competitor by 2 seconds. 150 people from more than 20 countries competed in this years event. Many birch branches knew what it was to be roasted in the depths of the sauna that day, I can tell you!


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Finland Wins Gold In World Sauna Championships

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One can search the brain with a microscope and not find the mind, and can search the stars with a telescope and not find God. -- J. Gustav White
