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Man Glued to Public Toilet 7

A 58-year-old, North Queensland man didn't find the humor in the prank that left him stuck to a shopping center toilet seat. The man had to be taken to the hospital with the seat still attached after he found himself caught by a fast-acting adhesive that had been smeared on the toilet. Hospital staff were able to remove the seat with the help of some industrial strength solvents. Cairns City Council community safety committee chair Di Forsyth said, "I'm disgusted that a gentlemen has had to go through that because someone thinks it's funny — it's a sick joke. I think the community would be outraged and quite rightly so ... it's quite a dangerous prank." Police have a few leads in the case, but nothing that will stick.


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Man Glued to Public Toilet

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  • "Police have a few leads in the case, but nothing that will stick."
  • you should *always* wipe the seat with some TP first... Those who check to make sure they're not sitting on someone's piss never have to worry about this.
    • "Those who check to make sure they're not sitting on someone's piss never have to worry about this."

      Frosty Piss is an avoidable hazard!

    • I *ALWAYS* do this, and I *ALWAYS* end up wiping something that came from someone else's body off the seat, weather it be skin or piss, hair, sometimes poo. It never fails. If you sprinkle when you tinkle, be a sweetie and wipe the seatie.

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