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Bank Wants Thumbprint From Man With No Hands 21

Being born without arms hasn't stopped Steve Valdez from living a normal life, but it has stopped him from being able to cash a check at Bank of America. Even though he had two forms of picture ID, the bank still wanted a thumbprint to cash his check. The teller acknowledged that a thumbprint would be impossible to get, saying "Obviously you can't give a thumbprint," but her manager refused to process the check unless they had one.


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Bank Wants Thumbprint From Man With No Hands

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  • to call these people asshats would do asshats everywhere a disservice.
    • "to call these people asshats would do asshats everywhere a disservice."

      Can we just call Bank of America an asshat?
  • by Locke2005 ( 849178 ) on Tuesday September 01, 2009 @12:54PM (#29275967)
    If I were Mr. Valdez, I would ask for them to document the refusal in writing, then turn that little piece of evidence over to a lawyer for a lawsuit under ADA. If I was the bank, I'd hiring somebody capable of thinking outside the box... perhaps somebody capable of asking "Do you have toes?" In the bank's defense, how do they know it is really him, and not some other man with no hands just pretending to be him? Yeah, that's pretty weak.
    • "In the bank's defense, how do they know it is really him, and not some other man with no hands just pretending to be him? Yeah, that's pretty weak."

      I'm pretty sure an armless man cashing fake checks would be caught red handed.

      Thanks! I'll be here all week!
  • They're trying to prevent a crime-wave of armless people writing bad checks.
  • Why in hell would a bank ask for a thumb print? I have never been asked this, by BoA or any other bank.
    • All the banks in St. Louis do this (yes, all, I have been to all of them) if you cash a check someone wrote you and do not have an account at that bank.
      • So it sounds to me like he should find a bank where he has an account? Doesn't sound too hard to me. Besides, cross-bank fees can cost you an arm and an arm.
  • Remember, people, these are the organizations you trust with your money.

    Banks are terribly overrated, as if that weren't obvious by now.

  • For anyone not wanting BoA to have your thumbprint on file every time they are hacked, or inevitably go under... just put a layer of glue on your thumbs. Make it thin enough so heat transmits through, and thick enough so your thumbprint is a blob.

