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Union May File Grievance Over Scout Clean-Up Project 4

17-year-old Kevin Anderson has spent 200 hours cleaning up a park in Allentown, New Jersey in pursuit of his Eagle Scout badge. His blatant disregard for the brotherhood and collective bargaining power of the local Service Employees International Union however has not gone unnoticed. Union president Nick Balzano told the City Council that the union is considering filing a grievance against the city for allowing the scout to clear a 1,000' path at the park. "We'll be looking into the Cub Scout or Boy Scout who did the trails," Balzano said.


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Union May File Grievance Over Scout Clean-Up Project

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  • The president of this organization that's trying to intimidate this Scout is the top visitor [] to the Obama White House.

    • The president of this organization that's trying to intimidate this Scout is the top visitor [] to the Obama White House.

      Yes, clearly Obama is trying to abolish volunteerism in the US. He must be stopped. Wait. I thought he was supposed to be a communist who was in favor of volunteerism. []

      Now I'm just plain confused. Either way, Obama is the problem. Encouraging volunteerism is bad, but not allowing it is bad, too. Maybe he should do nothing and visit with nobody. Perhaps we will be happy then. I hope so, I'm getting sick and tired of being sick and tired of Obama and his confusing rhetoric.

    • Scouts discriminate against atheists and homosexuals. They also take public money.

      This is an organization that is clearly un-American, and should be reformed.

Never trust anyone who says money is no object.
