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Swedish Necrophilia Association Behind Haiti Facebook Hoax

More than 200,000 Swedes joined a Facebook group to help earthquake victims in Haiti before it was revealed as a hoax by the “Swedish Necrophilia Association”. The group promised to send 2 kronor ($0.30) per member when 200,000 people joined. When the mark was reached it was revealed that the group had been created by a made-up organization calling itself the Swedish Necrophilia Association. A statement from the group read: "As many already know, it is the Swedish Necrophilia Association which is now sending 500,000 kronor to ensure that the bodies which are brought home from Haiti are in as good shape as possible." I must admit the threat of being scammed by fictitious Swedish Necrophiliacs has never occurred to me.


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Swedish Necrophilia Association Behind Haiti Facebook Hoax

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