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Fugitive's Updated Facebook Status Leads To His Arrest 4

crimeandpunishment writes "A Western New York man whose social networking skills were a little too social, and as a result is no longer a fugitive, is now on his way back to captivity. The man, who fled to Indiana before he could be sentenced for assault, was caught after he posted detailed information on his Facebook page, including where he worked and what hours he worked there."


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Fugitive's Updated Facebook Status Leads To His Arrest

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  • is that most of them are stupid. There are a few smart ones out there, and they're the ones that are honestly dangerous. But the vast majority of them make themselves really easy to catch.

    If you're stupid, being a criminal is, well, a stupid idea. OTOH, if you're smart, there's a lot of money to be made. But then they're probably too stupid to realize they're stupid, and therein lies their problem.

    • And it you're smart, there are still many ways to make money legally too.
      • by v1 ( 525388 )

        I think you could make a very good argument for there being more money to be made on the average for a smart but lazy person in being a criminal rather than being honest.

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