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YouTube Video Leads To Arrest For Speeding 39

JoshuaInNippon writes "A 42-year old man was arrested outside of Osaka, Japan in connection with a YouTube video of him going more than 130km/h (80mph) over the speed limit on his 1300cc motorcycle. The man reportedly borrowed his friend's camera and videotaped himself speeding at well over 180km/h in a 50km/h zone, illegally passing cars multiple times in the process. The man's friend then distributed the video online. Local police say they received an anonymous tip about the YouTube video and investigated. It then took them nearly half a year before making the arrest, but the motorcyclist, who apparently admitted guilt, is now likely facing both multiple fines and jail time. Japanese police say it is the first time they've used evidence from the internet to pursue such traffic violations. With a multitude of similar speed enthusiast home videos on YouTube and other sites, might more careless braggers start facing legal problems?"


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YouTube Video Leads To Arrest For Speeding

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  • by Anita Coney ( 648748 ) on Friday March 05, 2010 @04:26PM (#31375138) Homepage

    Will Google's executives be arrested for this video too?

    • by Yvan256 ( 722131 )

      Well of course! This user uploaded a video showing himself going 130km/h over the limit. If we use the now-proven-in-court RIAA and MPAA logic, that means the Google executives ALSO went 130km/h over the limit.

  • Similar in France... (Score:3, Interesting)

    by dargaud ( 518470 ) <slashdot2@gdar g a u d . net> on Monday March 08, 2010 @08:34AM (#31399454) Homepage
    Last month in France there was a story of a video camera found by the side of the road [] by a cop, containing images of speeding from a motorbike. The cop stood around for a while until he saw a slow-going motorbike obviously looking for something. He asked the guy who said he was looking for his camera... bingo.
  • Isn’t it sort of just plain old common sense to not post videos of yourself doing illegal stuff on the internet?

    Or at least making sure that you aren’t identifiable... and consider that people have been identified by their shoes... []

  • I had always wondered about the wisdom of posting such videos on-line. I understand that the desire to brag about how fast you can ride your superbike or sports car can be pretty powerful, but if you take a video of yourself driving/riding well in excess of the speed limit, and then post it on-line, what is to stop the police from using it against you? You've essentially confessed to the crime, so all they would have to do is prove who was riding at the time. Is it really that hard to prove that? I gues

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