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Tokyo's 'Oldest Man' Had Been Dead 30 Years 1

Japanese officials estimate that Sogen Kato, Japan's oldest living man, hasn't been living for at least 30 years. His family now stands accused of collecting his pension payments fraudulently. From the article: "Welfare officials had tried to meet Mr. Kato since early this year. But when they went to visit, family members repeatedly chased them away, according to Tomoko Iwamatsu, an Adachi ward official. Authorities grew suspicious and sought an investigation by police, who forced their way into the house on Wednesday. They discovered a mummified body, believed to be Kato, lying in his bed, wearing underwear and pajamas, covered with a blanket."
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Tokyo's 'Oldest Man' Had Been Dead 30 Years

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  • Article's first paragraph is a much better summery:
    He was thought to be the oldest man in Tokyo - but when officials went to congratulate Sogen Kato on his 111th birthday, they uncovered mummified skeletal remains lying in his bed

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