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Slow Candy Sales Mean Trip To Hawaii Is Rerouted To Fargo 5

The candy company that makes Hot Tamales promised its sales team a trip to Hawaii if it met its annual goals, and a trip to the tundra if it failed. The team didn't meet the goal so the company sent them to Fargo. From the article: "Outside, the temperature was 7 degrees. The ground had 2 feet of snow. Not exactly Hawaii: Honolulu was sunny, and a comfortable 82 degrees. 'Fargo is not what you would think is one of the greatest locales in the United States and technically we didn't make our year,' said Dave Bayha, a Just Born manager. 'It was somewhat of a punishment.'" Well, that don't sound like too good a deal for them, then.


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Slow Candy Sales Mean Trip To Hawaii Is Rerouted To Fargo

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