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American Redneck Society Formed 17

Unaware that the National Tractor Pull Association exists and that the Waffle House already has a Facebook page, Rob Clayton has founded the American Redneck Society. “I really felt that American Rednecks are an under-served, but large population that could benefit from a formal membership organization structure,” says Clayton. The $20 membership fee gets you retail discounts across the country, and part of the fee goes toward an educational fund for “rural youth.”


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American Redneck Society Formed

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  • I thought they were all home schooled?
  • Won't that educate them out oftheir own heritage? Who will pay the way for future red neck children?
  • I'm mildly amused.
    First, because Mr. Clayton stepped up and named an organization Redneck "anything".
    Next I am amused at the cartoon stereotypes you guys attach to them. I guess it proves you like watching "Larry, the cable guy".
    Hopefully you "Geeks" take your Mathematics and Science educations more seriously than your "less than public educational quality" information on actual rednecks.
    In cities their analogues would be the blue collar guys. Some may have post high school education, but it tends

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