by Anonymous Coward writes:
on Sunday May 01, 2016 @03:08PM (#52024119)
All the old school Slashdotters remember K5 and understand why this is a sad day. None of the new people have heard of it. In some ways, it was better than Slashdot and had features that Slashdot still doesn't have. As I recall, users voted on the stories that showed up on the front page. There were trolls, but the flame warriors and crapflooders weren't tolerated. I didn't post on K5 very much, but I sure appreciate it. I wonder if, in ten years, people will have the same reaction to Slashdot that you're having to K5.
All the old school Slashdotters remember K5 and understand why this is a sad day. None of the new people have heard of it. In some ways, it was better than Slashdot and had features that Slashdot still doesn't have. As I recall, users voted on the stories that showed up on the front page. There were trolls, but the flame warriors and crapflooders weren't tolerated. I didn't post on K5 very much, but I sure appreciate it. I wonder if, in ten years, people will have the same reaction to Slashdot that you're having to K5.
I've been here since the late 90s, for how long does one have to have been around to not be "new" and what is "old"?
I don't know why you picked 10 years later specifically. I will remember Slashdot in 10 years time but I'm not very active.
A decade is my rough estimate of how long K5 has been dead, and how long it's been since many old school users left Slashdot. I've been around since the 90s, too, and it seems like a very different community. People aren't interested in how things work or finding clever ways to make things work better. It seems like the focus is so much on social issues now.
Ahh yeah in the 'old' days when people would post "/. is shit so I'm heading over to K5". It seems to me that K5 was down to the neurotic, weird and bigotted 10-15 years ago, and I'm surprised it's taken this long to die. Wasn't there something dodgy with Rusty as well?
If I recall correctly, there were several thousand accounts created on the first day of user registration. With deference towards your UID, the difference between 100 and 1000 was like an hour.:)
You obviously were moving forward without thinking!
Back then, I wasn't sure I wanted to have a registered account on a website for commenting... ha! Took me until 4 digits were around before I said, "Fine, I'll grab an account".
Browse through the archives. There's 17 years worth. Very interesting stuff that reveals how little anything has changed.. In fact old fires are rekindled... Here's hoping they remain intact, and accessible for many more years, and that they are backed up! Being a text forum, without that silly unicode nonsense, It shouldn't occupy that much space
Not sure when I started following Slashdot but it was back when your had a numerical karma score and it was a game to try to get it as high as possible. My Ars Technica account was created April of '99, so Slashdot would have been around the same time. I was quite familiar with Kuro5hin (pronounced like "Corrosion," for those not familiar with it, a sort of play on the name of Rusty, who was to Kuro5hin what Cmdr Taco was to/.) but it had a much wider focus than/., and I always felt it was a bit stuffier than here. It hasn't been relevant for a long time but it does make me feel old to know it's been taken off life support.
In some ways, it was better than Slashdot and had features that Slashdot still doesn't have.
Yeah, but for some reason a few years back the activity level seemed to have suddenly dropped to nearly zero as far as new articles were concerned (Not counting the Diaries section).
I think it was a great website that suddenly stopped producing content, for some reason?
I guess I had forgotten they existed years ago...... I'm not sure exactly at what point I stopped visiting K5 and come back to Slashdot, but I guess the writing has been on the wall for K5 for a long time
It's just a real shame to see such a disappointing final outcome of permanent death, rather than a rennaissance.....
If I remember the chain of events correctly... someone posted a parody of Rusty's wife/girlfriend, something offensive to him in some way. He locked down registration and that started a chain reaction that caused the site to spiral downward. Of all the things I miss from kuro5hin, it has to be LocalRogers that I miss the most.
I wasn't a K5 account holder or poster but I read it infrequently and thought that it was likely to give visitors a more mature discussion than what one would find elsewhere (Twitter, Slashdot, Digg, and so many other current and former discussion websites). Sort of like when Slashdot was new and not yet populated by shills and people who reflexively accept whatever the corporate-run tech press says is worthwhile. I didn't get the impression that K5 gave as much heed to the "firehose" headline publishing ap
It was like Slashdot; a mixture of interesting stuff and total shit. In the end the balance shifted too far in the wrong direction. But I'll always remember it as the place I first heard about the 9/11 attacks.
Wrong. I'm an old school Slashdotter since 1998 and I don't know anything about Kuro5hin aside from the name, which I still am unsure of how to pronounce. Kurofivehin? Kurofhin? Kuro 5: Hin?
Dead Collector: Bring out yer dead! [A large man appears with a (seemingly) dead Kuro5hin over his shoulder] Large Man: Here's one. Dead Collector: Nine pence. "Dead" Kuro5hin: I'm not dead. Dead Collector: What? Large Man: Nothing. [hands the collector his money] There's your nine pence. "Dead" Kuro5hin: I'm not dead! Dead Collector: 'Ere, he says he's not dead. Large Man: Yes he is. "Dead" Kuro5hin: I'm not. Dead Collector: He isn't. Large Man: Well, he will be soon, he's very ill. "Dead" Kuro5hin: I'm getting better. Large Man: No you're not, you'll be stone dead in a moment. Dead Collector: Well, I can't take him like that. It's against regulations. "Dead" Kuro5hin: I don't want to go on the cart. Large Man:' Oh, don't be such a baby. Dead Collector: I can't take him. "Dead" Kuro5hin: I feel fine. Large Man with Dead Body: Oh, do me a favor. Dead Collector: I can't. Large Man: Well, can you hang around for a couple of minutes? He won't be long. Dead Collector: I promised I'd be at the Robinsons'. They've lost nine today. Large Man: Well, when's your next round? Dead Collector: Thursday. "Dead" Kuro5hin: I think I'll go for a walk. Large Man: You're not fooling anyone, you know. Isn't there anything you could do? "Dead" Kuro5hin: I feel happy! I feel happy! [The collecter paces for an idea, then whacks Kuro5hin with his club, solving the problem] Large Man: Ah, thank you very much. Dead Collector: Not at all. See you on Thursday. Large Man: Right.
A few of us from the first days are still around but I now only check maybe once a week. Story quality is in the toilet, and the discussions are no longer entertaining or enlightening but instead just hatefests that feel like twitter and youtube comments.
You're looking at the past with rose-tinted glasses. Slashdot hasn't changed much (although its interface is nicer), it's just there are more specialist forums that some subcommunities have left for - hackernews (with an interface far worse than Slashdot ever had at its worst), TomsHardware, and so many other places.
I dunno. I still browse every so often, but the quality of the discussions seems lacking - there's precious little that I feel is worth the effort of contributing to.
According to FF, this is the first time I've actually logged in since August of 2013.
Bullshit. I remember there being a time when you could have a 300 post discussion here when a new file system came out when everybody would be comparing and arguing the various pros and cons of the new file system when compared to what was already out, now?
To be fair, there hasn't been a new file system worth talking about in quite some time.
A few of us from the first days are still around but I now only check maybe once a week. Story quality is in the toilet, and the discussions are no longer entertaining or enlightening but instead just hatefests that feel like twitter and youtube comments.
Yeah, the definitions of "news" and "nerds" and "matters" has really been perverted. There are still some gems in the comments, but it's only worth reading them when they're not fresh anymore when they've been moderated up (or conversely) the shit has been modded down. Reading them live? Forget it.
I don't recall seeing this many 4 and 5 digit users in one thread in.. like.. 15 years? more?
Bottom line: Slashdot is not fresh. I still hit it once or twice a day but rarely is there anything not already seen hours (or days) prior elsewhere. I mean I could live with Timothy if at least the stuff posted on the front page was new and interesting. And on that interesting front.. total loss of focus there too. Too much non-nerd non-news that matters (to nerds). Anything that is going to be front page or high up on CNN, NY Times, etc almost certainly does not belong on/.
Slashdot has become a war zone. I do not mind heated disagreement, but there are many people that want you to conform to one side or the other even if you are on a third or fourth side.:)
I glance at Slashdot at times and sometimes go to OSNews to stay geeky with limited messages to read. My Slashdot ID is only as high as it is because I took forever before making it.
Yeah, I feel like 15 years ago the quality of discussion was much higher and everyone was far more open-minded about things. I still lurk around, but find myself even bothering to read the comments section hardly ever.
And my ID is only as high as it is because I abandoned my low-five-digit one to start a new account and have a friendly competition with a friend of mine to see who could get to 50 Karma again the fastest.
Come on, Lumpy. I see you posting almost everyday. But I do agree about the quality, I hope the new overlords will try to do a bit better./. still has one of the better mod systems for a large site.
Slashdot was on the decline, but I'm actually optimistic about the new owner's chances of succeeding at turning the ship around because of their commitment to listening to the community [] for the first time in far too long.
I'm from the early days (although I waiting a long time before I created an account) and also read it about once a week.
What's sad is I have not actually found a replacement, I haven't left because there is something better. I wonder if Slashdot's problem is simply that its time has passed. While the sense of community is now lacking, the stories are pretty much the same as always. The comments quality has dropped, simply due to the lack of volume resulting with less on the Right-Hand side of the bell-curve
Where do you hang out now? I haven't found a decent replacement . ..
For me I tend to hang out at Ars. They have real journalists there who actually research (**gasp**) and write stories. In general I see things at Ars before they end up here (although I have seen the opposite as well). The only problem with Ars is that the commenting system sucks as it is a pure linear format.
At times I feel like I am in an abusive relationships with slashdot. The stories have gone down hill, but I haven't seen a better commenting/moderation system elsewhere.
For me I tend to hang out at Ars. They have real journalists there who actually research (**gasp**) and write stories. In general I see things at Ars before they end up here (although I have seen the opposite as well). The only problem with Ars is that the commenting system sucks as it is a pure linear format.
ARS doing research? You're joking right? Half the stuff in their own stories contradicts actual sources at times. And when you point out the factual inaccuracies with proof commenters come out of the woodwork to claim you're just a troll that's attacking them because reasons. It's pushing it's own social agenda half the time just like/. is, but that shouldn't be a surprise considering who owns them.
First off, congratulations on having the most relevant username for a death of K5 story.
Secondly, and most importantly, there is no "replacement". The dot-com bubble has been and gone. My only visit to California was OSCON 2000, just before the bubble burst. I remember thinking at the time just how crazy it all was, and how little everyone there seemed to understand about the world outside the bubble.
What happened to OSDN, to Slashdot, to K5, to Freshmeat, to Segfault? Reality came crashing in and we all (w
If that's really intentional on Rusty's part, I would have liked to have some sort of announcement, and some sort of goodbye. Perhaps a post-mortem analysis. And ideally, have it remain online frozen, as an archive, because in the past there have been many very good articles on it, before it went to shit.
Of course, the site has already been effectively dead for what, more than a decade now, I think? It's a real pity, because it used to be a really cool place where interesting, and sometimes important (Wikipedia, OpenNIC, etc) discussions took place.
The place was unique enough that it took me years to find a suitable replacement for it.
I went to a (programming) job interview many years ago, and did really well at it. Afterwards, the interviewer wanted me to go to lunch with the rest of the gang, to see "how well you'd fit in with the group". OK, fine, whatever. So on the way to lunch with half a dozen guys in an SUV, they're talking about softball leagues and whatnot, and I've got nothing to say. I don't even remember what cued me, but I go: "As God is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly" - and NOT A SINGLE FUCKING ONE OF THEM (an
It was never the same after turmeric was gone. But K5 has really already been dead for over a year since Rusty shut off the submission queue. (You could still log in and see the empty submission queue if you knew the right URL, but you still couldn't post anything.) And see that CTS still posts here on/. from time to time.
But really, K5 was one of the original victims of the "everybody gets to moderate every message" meme that killed Digg and is also why Reddit is
This was the site where someone debunked the "Windows just copied its TCP/IP stack from the BSDs" and now that source is gone thanks to a robots.txt wiping out the archive:*/... [] .
I remember it was hot in 2001. I remember visiting again in 2004 and it was desolate. I'm surprised it lasted this long.
You know what site I really miss? []. That was seriously funny stuff, and ahead of its time. Too bad the hard drive on which it ran crashed and left an unrecoverable mess.
by Anonymous Coward writes:
on Sunday May 01, 2016 @03:30PM (#52024237)
The legend lives on from trolltalk on down Of the big net they call Intar Webby The net, it is said, never gives up her dead When the posts of October turn gloomy.
With a load of whiny diaries - 26,000 tons more Than the Edmund Kuro5hin weighed empty That good site and true was a bone to be chewed When the trolls of October came early
The ship was the pride of the USian side Coming back from some server in Wisconson As the big Scoop sites go it was bigger than most With a crew and the Captain well seasoned.
Concluding some terms with a couple of sponsors When they left fully loaded for Peaks Island And later that night when the site's bell rang Could it be the North Wind they'd been feeling.
The packets in the wires made a tattletale sound And a wave broke over the railing And every man knew, as the Captain did, too, T'was the witch of October come stealing.
The dawn came late and the breakfast had to wait When the gales of October came slashdotting When afternoon came it was rebuilding In the face of a hurricane db problem
When supper time came the old kook came on deck Saying fellows it's too rough to bug ya At 7PM a main web box caved in He said fellas it's been good to know ya.
The Captain wired in he had crapfloods coming in And the good site and crew was in peril And later that night when his lights went out of sight Came the wreck of the Edmund Kuro5hin.
Does anyone know where the love of God goes When the posts turn the minutes to hours The searchers all say they'd have made SoS Bay If they'd fifteen more routers behind her.
They might have split up or they might have crashed They may have broke deep and took disk corruption And all that remains is the faces and the names Of the wives and the sons and the posters.
Ars Technica rolls, Slashdot sings In the ruins of her geek compound mansion Old Michigan steams like a young geek's dreams, Usenet and blogs are for sportsmen.
And farther below Everything2 Takes in what Something Awful can send her And the big iron boxen go as the admins all know With the gales of October remembered.
In a musty old hall in UKia they prayed In the Intarweb Admins' Cathedral The ^G bell chimed, 'til it rang 29 times For each man on the Edmund Kuro5hin.
The legend lives on from trolltalk on down Of the big net they call Intar Webby The net, it is said, never gives up her dead When the posts of October come early.
True. Some of the best fiction I've read was first published on that site.
There was another one about the corpse of an angel, found floating in space, hooked up to play a perfect allegorical game of Go to solve political and economic puzzles for its masters.
Very few things stick with me for this long, but K5's fiction did.
My first real Unix jobs, and writing perl late into the night, killing time on Slashdot, and Kuro5hin. It's a shame it faltered, I'd check in every so often to see if it had resurrected itself. Much like perl, it never did.
What ever happened to that low-budget Filipino horror movie in NYC? After so much hype, I want to finally see it, or at least read the film snobs reviews on IMDB.
This site was never a big had promise, but very quickly devolved into an insiders site. Whenever that happens, you stop growing and begin decaying. It was the same 30 people talking to each other, and they didn't like outsiders. Since the genius that ran it blocked, now that it's offline the whole thing is gone forever.
Well damn, that's a real shame. When that site was up 'n running, it was such a great site. Yea, a lot of trolling on the front end, but behind that, there were some great technical posters that kept me coming back. Sadly, that death of that site means my world-famous chili recipe may also be gone. There was a call for chili recipes, I posted mine. Meat steamed in beer, no beans, and let the chili stew (ie ferment) overnight. Gawd-dam! was it good.
It was especially good, as I made it all completely up. Loosely based on my mom's recipe, but mostly a total fake-er-roo. Yet people made it, a lot of them. And they all loved it. Yep, I trolled K5 with a bogus chili recipe.
Then Rusty kept doing shit that made it no so much fun to visit as often. Then kept doing more of that shit that made it even less fun to visit. So I quit visiting. Other favorite sites have also disappeared: and among them. At least [] is still going, kind of.
I did not come here to praise Kuro5hin but to bury it.
Rusty Foster was an absentee landlord who neglected it while he worked for Newsweek writing Today in Tabs until he got fired. Everyone remembers the CMF that never existed but Rusty raised a lot of money with it to promise to fix Scoop and improve Kuro5hin, but the money went to fix his house and buy a yacht instead.
Rusty helped Howard Dean's campaign use Scoop to connect with voters, but the Dean Scream ruined that. That was before social networks too off and people use Wordpress now instead of Scoop.
Just about everyone who made Kuro5hin great had left, Rusty put up a $5 paywall for new accounts, when that failed to stop trolls, Rusty deleted the login form and new user page. After that didn't work Rusty moved his DNS to Ghandi in France and the site was down for a few days until this new landing page was used.
Rusty's Twitter page: [] but he made it private so only his followers can see it.
I only remember reading one story there, The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect by Richard Williams. I'm sure there were others down the years, but this is the one that stands out. If you have hazy memories of reading that story many years ago, it was probably on kuro5hin.
It was pretty good. I just checked, and it is available elsewhere now.
Anyone could post anything, it was Rational Anarchism in the mould of Heinlein's philosophies, and I found most of the content ended up being drivel as a consequence. Still, diaries were a lot more successful than the Slashdot journals ever were, so it had something going for it.
The source, Scoop, was maintained for a long time and that probably contributed to its demise. However, there were some interesting ideas in the code and I hope someone uploads a copy somewhere. I far prefer the cleaner interface to the one Slashdot uses, heavy interfaces aren't portable and the decreasing support for web standards by the major browsers isn't helping. A major reversion to lighter footprint pages will be necessary at some point.
Going back to the philosophy of Rational Anarchism, K5's failure to survive shows that said philosophy has limits. It has been out-competed. Slashdot is closer to the Benign Dictator philosophy that has served Open Source so well. Slashdot suffered heavily from an excessive of business involvement and loss of focus, but has partially recovered. As long as Slashdot works hard to rebuild the number of active users (even passive users), the trolls will fade to black and Slashdot will survive into the future.
Slashdot, at one point, had a couple of thousand active users and over a hundred thousand passive readers - figures that national newspapers would struggle to compete with. It's a total comparable to the best The Guardian ever managed. That proves the impact these sorts of sites can have. The heaviest threads here have had more warranted +5 content than a BBC Horizon documentary, Question Time and "I'm Sorry, I haven't a clue" combined.
But precisely because these sorts of site have such a large potential market, they should not go extinct. Rusty gave up, for whatever reason, and the lack of maintenance is likely a major factor. Slashdot isn't exactly thriving, but it is surviving.
The two attempts by Bruce Perens to run a Technocrat website shows that maintenance alone is also not a factor. A site has to have good quality content, adequate security, adequate bandwidth and a feel of involvement. There were some... problems with some of the stories posted, almost certainly not intended, but the underlying Zope had problems and the Technocrat software wasn't brilliant at checking input for errors.
But, yes, this is a sad day.
Talking of sites that are dead, I would dearly love to revive Freshmeat/Freecode. I have no objection to writing my own software, I know that the maintainers were concerned about the underlying software entering circulation and I want to reassure the current owners that if they were willing to let me take over, I would be willing to write my own versions of anything considered proprietary.
I think the site was shut down in error, but I would not ask others to invest time and effort simply because I think something. I expect to be expected to show that I'm right, on my own dime, on my own time. And, should I do so, if whoever currently owns it wants it back then I'd respect that wish. That's the whole point of this "community" thing, in my opinion. Nobody else has to believe that, how can you possibly lose by me believing it?
The same would be true for Kuro5hin. If Rusty wants to let me have a go at getting Scoop up to scratch and running Kuro5hin, on the understanding that if they want it back if I succeed then I'd not be predatory about it. I'd rather have the community functioning and to hell with who runs it.
I wrote a k5 screen scraper, and have 95% of k5 diaries, unfortunately I don't have any stories. Date range for my archive is: 2001-1-4 to 2015-7-22 For a total of 161,942 diaries [].
Here is a summary of what I have in my archive [].
never heard of it (Score:5, Insightful)
probably why its dead
Re: never heard of it (Score:5, Informative)
All the old school Slashdotters remember K5 and understand why this is a sad day. None of the new people have heard of it. In some ways, it was better than Slashdot and had features that Slashdot still doesn't have. As I recall, users voted on the stories that showed up on the front page. There were trolls, but the flame warriors and crapflooders weren't tolerated. I didn't post on K5 very much, but I sure appreciate it. I wonder if, in ten years, people will have the same reaction to Slashdot that you're having to K5.
Re: never heard of it (Score:5, Insightful)
I'd say most "geeks" are having that reaction now....
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All the old school Slashdotters remember K5 and understand why this is a sad day. None of the new people have heard of it. In some ways, it was better than Slashdot and had features that Slashdot still doesn't have. As I recall, users voted on the stories that showed up on the front page. There were trolls, but the flame warriors and crapflooders weren't tolerated. I didn't post on K5 very much, but I sure appreciate it. I wonder if, in ten years, people will have the same reaction to Slashdot that you're having to K5.
I've been here since the late 90s, for how long does one have to have been around to not be "new" and what is "old"?
I don't know why you picked 10 years later specifically. I will remember Slashdot in 10 years time but I'm not very active.
Re: never heard of it (Score:2, Insightful)
A decade is my rough estimate of how long K5 has been dead, and how long it's been since many old school users left Slashdot. I've been around since the 90s, too, and it seems like a very different community. People aren't interested in how things work or finding clever ways to make things work better. It seems like the focus is so much on social issues now.
Re: never heard of it (Score:2)
Ahh yeah in the 'old' days when people would post "/. is shit so I'm heading over to K5". It seems to me that K5 was down to the neurotic, weird and bigotted 10-15 years ago, and I'm surprised it's taken this long to die. Wasn't there something dodgy with Rusty as well?
Re: never heard of it (Score:4, Informative)
Wasn't there something dodgy with Rusty as well?
No. Everyone knew that Rusty was blowing subscription/donations on yacht wax and monocle polish, and that's the way everyone liked it.
Re: never heard of it (Score:5, Funny)
6-digit UID?
Re: never heard of it (Score:5, Funny)
Re: never heard of it (Score:5, Funny)
4 digits? Still a newbie.
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This is what I get for waiting on Bruce Perens to approve of the concept.
Whatever ever happened to Mae Ling Mak?
Re: never heard of it (Score:4, Informative)
If I recall correctly, there were several thousand accounts created on the first day of user registration. With deference towards your UID, the difference between 100 and 1000 was like an hour. :)
Re: never heard of it (Score:5, Funny)
Three digits...
Re: never heard of it (Score:5, Funny)
Get off my lawn! =)
Re: never heard of it (Score:5, Funny)
Well played, sir. Well played.
Re: never heard of it (Score:5, Funny)
Do you guys have automated scripts running trawling /. For mention of UIDs or something?
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Anyone else wishing Taco would post here and end this once and for all...
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You obviously were moving forward without thinking!
Back then, I wasn't sure I wanted to have a registered account on a website for commenting... ha!
Took me until 4 digits were around before I said, "Fine, I'll grab an account".
Get off my lawn!
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50???? Git off'n mah lawn, y'darned kid!!!
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You're confusing slashdot with 4chan.
Re: never heard of it (Score:5, Insightful)
a 5 digit palindrome here. A newbie but with style.
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5-digit UID? Newbie.
I'm replying to this post cause I actually forgot what my UID looks like, it's been that long...
Re: (Score:2)
True that.
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6-digit UID?
Look who's talking...
Re: (Score:3, Interesting)
Browse through the archives. There's 17 years worth. Very interesting stuff that reveals how little anything has changed.. In fact old fires are rekindled... Here's hoping they remain intact, and accessible for many more years, and that they are backed up! Being a text forum, without that silly unicode nonsense, It shouldn't occupy that much space
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Where is the block button on this Slashdot thing?
Re: never heard of it (Score:5, Interesting)
Not sure when I started following Slashdot but it was back when your had a numerical karma score and it was a game to try to get it as high as possible. My Ars Technica account was created April of '99, so Slashdot would have been around the same time. I was quite familiar with Kuro5hin (pronounced like "Corrosion," for those not familiar with it, a sort of play on the name of Rusty, who was to Kuro5hin what Cmdr Taco was to /.) but it had a much wider focus than /., and I always felt it was a bit stuffier than here. It hasn't been relevant for a long time but it does make me feel old to know it's been taken off life support.
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Shoot, I still grieving over the demise of Netly News, that's how old I am. []
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That is kind of my reaction too; there were some topics where the insight there was much better, but /. remained more of a universal appeal.
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It was big for quite a bit more than a week. Several years in fact. But then it just .. died. Which was sad.
I seem to remember it basically died and nobody cared for it anymore around 2002-2004 or thereabouts.
Re: never heard of it (Score:5, Interesting)
In some ways, it was better than Slashdot and had features that Slashdot still doesn't have.
Yeah, but for some reason a few years back the activity level seemed to have suddenly dropped to nearly zero as far as new articles were concerned (Not counting the Diaries section).
I think it was a great website that suddenly stopped producing content, for some reason?
I guess I had forgotten they existed years ago...... I'm not sure exactly at what point I stopped visiting K5 and come back to Slashdot, but I guess the writing has been on the wall for K5 for a long time
It's just a real shame to see such a disappointing final outcome of permanent death, rather than a rennaissance.....
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If I remember the chain of events correctly... someone posted a parody of Rusty's wife/girlfriend, something offensive to him in some way. He locked down registration and that started a chain reaction that caused the site to spiral downward. Of all the things I miss from kuro5hin, it has to be LocalRogers that I miss the most.
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He has a wife and two kids.
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Fortunately localroger still posts on his site [] and blog http://www.passagesinthevoid.c... []
Farewell K5, I hardly knew ye (Score:3)
I wasn't a K5 account holder or poster but I read it infrequently and thought that it was likely to give visitors a more mature discussion than what one would find elsewhere (Twitter, Slashdot, Digg, and so many other current and former discussion websites). Sort of like when Slashdot was new and not yet populated by shills and people who reflexively accept whatever the corporate-run tech press says is worthwhile. I didn't get the impression that K5 gave as much heed to the "firehose" headline publishing ap
Re: never heard of it (Score:3, Interesting)
It was like Slashdot; a mixture of interesting stuff and total shit. In the end the balance shifted too far in the wrong direction. But I'll always remember it as the place I first heard about the 9/11 attacks.
Re: never heard of it (Score:4, Informative)
Wrong. I'm an old school Slashdotter since 1998 and I don't know anything about Kuro5hin aside from the name, which I still am unsure of how to pronounce. Kurofivehin? Kurofhin? Kuro 5: Hin?
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If they were going to get "creative" with how they spell things, [...]
Word of God is that the name was inspired by the character Da5id from Snow Crash. At least the name Kuro5hin gave you a fighting chance.
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Corrosion. Its a snowcrash reference, to Da5id.
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Pity that more and more is blocked by robots.txt on nowdays. I've been contacting site owners asking them to add an exemption but no dice.
Is it REALLY dead? (Score:4, Funny)
Dead Collector: Bring out yer dead!
[A large man appears with a (seemingly) dead Kuro5hin over his shoulder]
Large Man: Here's one.
Dead Collector: Nine pence.
"Dead" Kuro5hin: I'm not dead.
Dead Collector: What?
Large Man: Nothing. [hands the collector his money] There's your nine pence.
"Dead" Kuro5hin: I'm not dead!
Dead Collector: 'Ere, he says he's not dead.
Large Man: Yes he is.
"Dead" Kuro5hin: I'm not.
Dead Collector: He isn't.
Large Man: Well, he will be soon, he's very ill.
"Dead" Kuro5hin: I'm getting better.
Large Man: No you're not, you'll be stone dead in a moment.
Dead Collector: Well, I can't take him like that. It's against regulations.
"Dead" Kuro5hin: I don't want to go on the cart.
Large Man:' Oh, don't be such a baby.
Dead Collector: I can't take him.
"Dead" Kuro5hin: I feel fine.
Large Man with Dead Body: Oh, do me a favor.
Dead Collector: I can't.
Large Man: Well, can you hang around for a couple of minutes? He won't be long.
Dead Collector: I promised I'd be at the Robinsons'. They've lost nine today.
Large Man: Well, when's your next round?
Dead Collector: Thursday.
"Dead" Kuro5hin: I think I'll go for a walk.
Large Man: You're not fooling anyone, you know. Isn't there anything you could do?
"Dead" Kuro5hin: I feel happy! I feel happy!
[The collecter paces for an idea, then whacks Kuro5hin with his club, solving the problem]
Large Man: Ah, thank you very much.
Dead Collector: Not at all. See you on Thursday.
Large Man: Right.
Slashdot is not far behind... (Score:5, Insightful)
A few of us from the first days are still around but I now only check maybe once a week. Story quality is in the toilet, and the discussions are no longer entertaining or enlightening but instead just hatefests that feel like twitter and youtube comments.
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You're looking at the past with rose-tinted glasses. Slashdot hasn't changed much (although its interface is nicer), it's just there are more specialist forums that some subcommunities have left for - hackernews (with an interface far worse than Slashdot ever had at its worst), TomsHardware, and so many other places.
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According to FF, this is the first time I've actually logged in since August of 2013.
RIP Kuro5hin. I remember it, anyway.
Comment removed (Score:4, Insightful)
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Bullshit. I remember there being a time when you could have a 300 post discussion here when a new file system came out when everybody would be comparing and arguing the various pros and cons of the new file system when compared to what was already out, now?
To be fair, there hasn't been a new file system worth talking about in quite some time.
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I still check /. multiple times most days. Reddit is my only other daily site that comes a distant second to the culture here.
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A few of us from the first days are still around but I now only check maybe once a week. Story quality is in the toilet, and the discussions are no longer entertaining or enlightening but instead just hatefests that feel like twitter and youtube comments.
Yeah, the definitions of "news" and "nerds" and "matters" has really been perverted. There are still some gems in the comments, but it's only worth reading them when they're not fresh anymore when they've been moderated up (or conversely) the shit has been modded down. Reading them live? Forget it.
Re:Slashdot is not far behind... (Score:4, Insightful)
I don't recall seeing this many 4 and 5 digit users in one thread in.. like.. 15 years? more?
Bottom line: Slashdot is not fresh. I still hit it once or twice a day but rarely is there anything not already seen hours (or days) prior elsewhere. I mean I could live with Timothy if at least the stuff posted on the front page was new and interesting. And on that interesting front.. total loss of focus there too. Too much non-nerd non-news that matters (to nerds). Anything that is going to be front page or high up on CNN, NY Times, etc almost certainly does not belong on /.
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Slashdot has become a war zone. I do not mind heated disagreement, but there are many people that want you to conform to one side or the other even if you are on a third or fourth side. :)
I glance at Slashdot at times and sometimes go to OSNews to stay geeky with limited messages to read. My Slashdot ID is only as high as it is because I took forever before making it.
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Yeah, I feel like 15 years ago the quality of discussion was much higher and everyone was far more open-minded about things. I still lurk around, but find myself even bothering to read the comments section hardly ever.
And my ID is only as high as it is because I abandoned my low-five-digit one to start a new account and have a friendly competition with a friend of mine to see who could get to 50 Karma again the fastest.
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Come on, Lumpy. I see you posting almost everyday. But I do agree about the quality, I hope the new overlords will try to do a bit better. /. still has one of the better mod systems for a large site.
I don't agree (Score:5, Informative)
Slashdot was on the decline, but I'm actually optimistic about the new owner's chances of succeeding at turning the ship around because of their commitment to listening to the community [] for the first time in far too long.
Re: I don't agree (Score:3)
Yeah, I feel like Slashdot is on the way back, too. Maybe not to it's former glory, but not the craptastic level it hit for a while.
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I spend a lot of time at SoylentNews these days. Maybe you'd like it.
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I'm from the early days (although I waiting a long time before I created an account) and also read it about once a week.
What's sad is I have not actually found a replacement, I haven't left because there is something better. I wonder if Slashdot's problem is simply that its time has passed. While the sense of community is now lacking, the stories are pretty much the same as always. The comments quality has dropped, simply due to the lack of volume resulting with less on the Right-Hand side of the bell-curve
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There is a time and a place for profanity.
"All the time" and "everywhere" are not those.
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There is a time and a place for profanity.
"All the time" and "everywhere" are not those.
Belgium .. who cares what *you*
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Agreed. There is too goddam much fucking profanity.
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Profanity? On my Slashdot?
Re:Slashdot is not far behind... (Score:4, Insightful)
Where do you hang out now? I haven't found a decent replacement . . .
For me I tend to hang out at Ars. They have real journalists there who actually research (**gasp**) and write stories. In general I see things at Ars before they end up here (although I have seen the opposite as well). The only problem with Ars is that the commenting system sucks as it is a pure linear format.
At times I feel like I am in an abusive relationships with slashdot. The stories have gone down hill, but I haven't seen a better commenting/moderation system elsewhere.
Re:Slashdot is not far behind... (Score:4, Insightful)
For me I tend to hang out at Ars. They have real journalists there who actually research (**gasp**) and write stories. In general I see things at Ars before they end up here (although I have seen the opposite as well). The only problem with Ars is that the commenting system sucks as it is a pure linear format.
ARS doing research? You're joking right? Half the stuff in their own stories contradicts actual sources at times. And when you point out the factual inaccuracies with proof commenters come out of the woodwork to claim you're just a troll that's attacking them because reasons. It's pushing it's own social agenda half the time just like /. is, but that shouldn't be a surprise considering who owns them.
Re:Slashdot is not far behind... (Score:4, Insightful)
" They have real journalists there who actually research (**gasp**) and write stories."
Hah! They consistently fail on every LED tech story. Research, my ass.
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First off, congratulations on having the most relevant username for a death of K5 story.
Secondly, and most importantly, there is no "replacement". The dot-com bubble has been and gone. My only visit to California was OSCON 2000, just before the bubble burst. I remember thinking at the time just how crazy it all was, and how little everyone there seemed to understand about the world outside the bubble.
What happened to OSDN, to Slashdot, to K5, to Freshmeat, to Segfault? Reality came crashing in and we all (w
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Pretty sure i have a 5 digit UID but i only post as AC anymore.
Pretty sure i have a 5 digit UID but i only troll as AC anymore.
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I see no problem with divergent, even inflammatory remarks as long as good supporting arguments follow.
I wouldn't have a problem with it if that actually happened more than once in a while.
Article on "The greatest program ever written" (Score:4, Interesting)
Kuro5hin article from 2001 on 1K Chess for the ZX81 [] (mirror of text)
How anticlimatic (Score:4, Insightful)
If that's really intentional on Rusty's part, I would have liked to have some sort of announcement, and some sort of goodbye. Perhaps a post-mortem analysis. And ideally, have it remain online frozen, as an archive, because in the past there have been many very good articles on it, before it went to shit.
Of course, the site has already been effectively dead for what, more than a decade now, I think? It's a real pity, because it used to be a really cool place where interesting, and sometimes important (Wikipedia, OpenNIC, etc) discussions took place.
The place was unique enough that it took me years to find a suitable replacement for it.
Les Nessman (Score:3)
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"the station with more music and Les Nessman."
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Thanks! (Score:5, Insightful)
for posting a link to a site that has gone off line.
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It was just slashdotted before its time.
It was never the same after turmeric was gone. But K5 has really already been dead for over a year since Rusty shut off the submission queue. (You could still log in and see the empty submission queue if you knew the right URL, but you still couldn't post anything.) And see that CTS still posts here on /. from time to time.
But really, K5 was one of the original victims of the "everybody gets to moderate every message" meme that killed Digg and is also why Reddit is
History destroyed (Score:2)
This was the site where someone debunked the "Windows just copied its TCP/IP stack from the BSDs" and now that source is gone thanks to a robots.txt wiping out the archive:*/... [] .
The Internet is made of change (Score:4, Insightful)
It is the way of things. *checks his uid* yeah, /. Has changed, kuro5hin changed, it's part of the gig.
I remember that site (Score:5, Interesting)
I remember it was hot in 2001. I remember visiting again in 2004 and it was desolate. I'm surprised it lasted this long.
You know what site I really miss? []. That was seriously funny stuff, and ahead of its time. Too bad the hard drive on which it ran crashed and left an unrecoverable mess.
The Wreck of the Edmund Kuro5hin (Score:5, Funny)
The legend lives on from trolltalk on down
Of the big net they call Intar Webby
The net, it is said, never gives up her dead
When the posts of October turn gloomy.
With a load of whiny diaries - 26,000 tons more
Than the Edmund Kuro5hin weighed empty
That good site and true was a bone to be chewed
When the trolls of October came early
The ship was the pride of the USian side
Coming back from some server in Wisconson
As the big Scoop sites go it was bigger than most
With a crew and the Captain well seasoned.
Concluding some terms with a couple of sponsors
When they left fully loaded for Peaks Island
And later that night when the site's bell rang
Could it be the North Wind they'd been feeling.
The packets in the wires made a tattletale sound
And a wave broke over the railing
And every man knew, as the Captain did, too,
T'was the witch of October come stealing.
The dawn came late and the breakfast had to wait
When the gales of October came slashdotting
When afternoon came it was rebuilding
In the face of a hurricane db problem
When supper time came the old kook came on deck
Saying fellows it's too rough to bug ya
At 7PM a main web box caved in
He said fellas it's been good to know ya.
The Captain wired in he had crapfloods coming in
And the good site and crew was in peril
And later that night when his lights went out of sight
Came the wreck of the Edmund Kuro5hin.
Does anyone know where the love of God goes
When the posts turn the minutes to hours
The searchers all say they'd have made SoS Bay
If they'd fifteen more routers behind her.
They might have split up or they might have crashed
They may have broke deep and took disk corruption
And all that remains is the faces and the names
Of the wives and the sons and the posters.
Ars Technica rolls, Slashdot sings
In the ruins of her geek compound mansion
Old Michigan steams like a young geek's dreams,
Usenet and blogs are for sportsmen.
And farther below Everything2
Takes in what Something Awful can send her
And the big iron boxen go as the admins all know
With the gales of October remembered.
In a musty old hall in UKia they prayed
In the Intarweb Admins' Cathedral
The ^G bell chimed, 'til it rang 29 times
For each man on the Edmund Kuro5hin.
The legend lives on from trolltalk on down
Of the big net they call Intar Webby
The net, it is said, never gives up her dead
When the posts of October come early.
whoa (Score:2)
We all die (Score:2)
More than adequate (Score:2)
Thanks for the good times
Sad to say, no lasting relation. (Score:2)
I remember registering on it way back, but I never really read it like I did slashdot.
In fact, for the last decade it's really only existed in my mind as an entry in my password manager. Guess I can delete that now.
Prime (Score:2)
I remember K5 for being the original host of localroger and his "Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect", as well as a host of other original stories.
Tis a sad day indeed.
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True. Some of the best fiction I've read was first published on that site.
There was another one about the corpse of an angel, found floating in space, hooked up to play a perfect allegorical game of Go to solve political and economic puzzles for its masters.
Very few things stick with me for this long, but K5's fiction did.
Re:Prime (Score:5, Informative)
And I just found it on Google cache. Glad I could grab it before it disappears forever:
http://webcache.googleusercont... []
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He has it up on his own site, [] along with his other writings.
Those were heady days. (Score:2)
My first real Unix jobs, and writing perl late into the night, killing time on Slashdot, and Kuro5hin. It's a shame it faltered, I'd check in every so often to see if it had resurrected itself. Much like perl, it never did.
So... (Score:2)
What ever happened to that low-budget Filipino horror movie in NYC? After so much hype, I want to finally see it, or at least read the film snobs reviews on IMDB.
This site was never a big had promise, but very quickly devolved into an insiders site. Whenever that happens, you stop growing and begin decaying. It was the same 30 people talking to each other, and they didn't like outsiders. Since the genius that ran it blocked, now that it's offline the whole thing is gone forever.
And Slashdot can't be far behind (Score:2)
More likely, the domain will probably be sold and redirected to Gizmodo or CNet. Slashdot has been in a slow, downward spiral for years now.
RIP Kuro5hin *and* my world-famous chili recipe (Score:3, Interesting)
Well damn, that's a real shame. When that site was up 'n running, it was such a great site. Yea, a lot of trolling on the front end, but behind that, there were some great technical posters that kept me coming back. Sadly, that death of that site means my world-famous chili recipe may also be gone. There was a call for chili recipes, I posted mine. Meat steamed in beer, no beans, and let the chili stew (ie ferment) overnight. Gawd-dam! was it good.
It was especially good, as I made it all completely up. Loosely based on my mom's recipe, but mostly a total fake-er-roo. Yet people made it, a lot of them. And they all loved it. Yep, I trolled K5 with a bogus chili recipe.
Then Rusty kept doing shit that made it no so much fun to visit as often. Then kept doing more of that shit that made it even less fun to visit. So I quit visiting. Other favorite sites have also disappeared: and among them. At least [] is still going, kind of.
k5 refugees: (Score:2)
Kuro5hin is finally dead (Score:3)
I did not come here to praise Kuro5hin but to bury it.
Rusty Foster was an absentee landlord who neglected it while he worked for Newsweek writing Today in Tabs until he got fired. Everyone remembers the CMF that never existed but Rusty raised a lot of money with it to promise to fix Scoop and improve Kuro5hin, but the money went to fix his house and buy a yacht instead.
Rusty helped Howard Dean's campaign use Scoop to connect with voters, but the Dean Scream ruined that. That was before social networks too off and people use Wordpress now instead of Scoop.
Just about everyone who made Kuro5hin great had left, Rusty put up a $5 paywall for new accounts, when that failed to stop trolls, Rusty deleted the login form and new user page. After that didn't work Rusty moved his DNS to Ghandi in France and the site was down for a few days until this new landing page was used.
Rusty's Twitter page: [] but he made it private so only his followers can see it.
The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect (Score:2)
I only remember reading one story there, The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect by Richard Williams. I'm sure there were others down the years, but this is the one that stands out. If you have hazy memories of reading that story many years ago, it was probably on kuro5hin.
It was pretty good. I just checked, and it is available elsewhere now.
In a lot of ways it was very annoying (Score:4, Interesting)
Anyone could post anything, it was Rational Anarchism in the mould of Heinlein's philosophies, and I found most of the content ended up being drivel as a consequence. Still, diaries were a lot more successful than the Slashdot journals ever were, so it had something going for it.
The source, Scoop, was maintained for a long time and that probably contributed to its demise. However, there were some interesting ideas in the code and I hope someone uploads a copy somewhere. I far prefer the cleaner interface to the one Slashdot uses, heavy interfaces aren't portable and the decreasing support for web standards by the major browsers isn't helping. A major reversion to lighter footprint pages will be necessary at some point.
Going back to the philosophy of Rational Anarchism, K5's failure to survive shows that said philosophy has limits. It has been out-competed. Slashdot is closer to the Benign Dictator philosophy that has served Open Source so well. Slashdot suffered heavily from an excessive of business involvement and loss of focus, but has partially recovered. As long as Slashdot works hard to rebuild the number of active users (even passive users), the trolls will fade to black and Slashdot will survive into the future.
Slashdot, at one point, had a couple of thousand active users and over a hundred thousand passive readers - figures that national newspapers would struggle to compete with. It's a total comparable to the best The Guardian ever managed. That proves the impact these sorts of sites can have. The heaviest threads here have had more warranted +5 content than a BBC Horizon documentary, Question Time and "I'm Sorry, I haven't a clue" combined.
But precisely because these sorts of site have such a large potential market, they should not go extinct. Rusty gave up, for whatever reason, and the lack of maintenance is likely a major factor. Slashdot isn't exactly thriving, but it is surviving.
The two attempts by Bruce Perens to run a Technocrat website shows that maintenance alone is also not a factor. A site has to have good quality content, adequate security, adequate bandwidth and a feel of involvement. There were some... problems with some of the stories posted, almost certainly not intended, but the underlying Zope had problems and the Technocrat software wasn't brilliant at checking input for errors.
But, yes, this is a sad day.
Talking of sites that are dead, I would dearly love to revive Freshmeat/Freecode. I have no objection to writing my own software, I know that the maintainers were concerned about the underlying software entering circulation and I want to reassure the current owners that if they were willing to let me take over, I would be willing to write my own versions of anything considered proprietary.
I think the site was shut down in error, but I would not ask others to invest time and effort simply because I think something. I expect to be expected to show that I'm right, on my own dime, on my own time. And, should I do so, if whoever currently owns it wants it back then I'd respect that wish. That's the whole point of this "community" thing, in my opinion. Nobody else has to believe that, how can you possibly lose by me believing it?
The same would be true for Kuro5hin. If Rusty wants to let me have a go at getting Scoop up to scratch and running Kuro5hin, on the understanding that if they want it back if I succeed then I'd not be predatory about it. I'd rather have the community functioning and to hell with who runs it.
I have some of k5 archived (Score:2, Informative)
I wrote a k5 screen scraper, and have 95% of k5 diaries, unfortunately I don't have any stories.
Date range for my archive is: 2001-1-4 to 2015-7-22
For a total of 161,942 diaries [].
Here is a summary of what I have in my archive [].
Here are some tables showing which kurons had the highest number of posts over the lifetime of k5 [].