A Stranger Crowdsourced $1,700 For a Mistreated Fast-Food Worker (cnn.com) 50
Slashdot reader DevNull127 writes: At a McDonald's restaurant in Georgia, an angry customer in the drive-through lane threw his drink at the pregnant fast-food worker who had served him. "She was crying and covered in ice and soda and syrup..." remembers another driver in the next car parked in the line. "[C]overed in syrup all over her shoes, pants, and shirt."
That driver created an online fundraiser for the fast-food worker, ultimately raising $1,700 within 24 hours which was later presented to the fast-food worker. "She gave me the envelope and I couldn't do nothing but cry," the worker told CNN later, "because I wasn't expecting that."
The driver also publicized a registry for baby supplies (along with the Cash App handle for future donations), but insisted to CNN that it wasn't doing anything special. "I just saw somebody being mistreated and I didn't like what I saw."
That driver created an online fundraiser for the fast-food worker, ultimately raising $1,700 within 24 hours which was later presented to the fast-food worker. "She gave me the envelope and I couldn't do nothing but cry," the worker told CNN later, "because I wasn't expecting that."
The driver also publicized a registry for baby supplies (along with the Cash App handle for future donations), but insisted to CNN that it wasn't doing anything special. "I just saw somebody being mistreated and I didn't like what I saw."
A nice story, but (Score:5, Insightful)
Why is it on Slashdot?
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Why is it on Slashdot?
Well you know that highly technical "crowdsource" stuff and all. And man that Cash App UI...you could get lost in there among the two and a half buttons and three emojis.
What, no urge to debate such technical complexity wrapped in a pandemic fast-food burrito?
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Well you know that highly technical "crowdsource" stuff and all.
My inner cynic suspects that the episode may have been fabricated to generate clicks and donations.
How much fact-checking was done? Was there any recording of the original incident?
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I don't know about this incident but locally there was a well documented case of an anti-masker throwing hot coffee into the face of a, IIRC, McDonald"s drive through employee. People were pissed.
Trying to look for it shows so many cases of hot coffee thrown into the face a McDonald's employee that it is just depressing. I'm sure the odd one might get this reaction.
https://duckduckgo.com/?t=lm&q... [duckduckgo.com]
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McDonald's should invest in some better cameras.
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Because Slashdot still thinks anything involving the internet is "geeky".
I don't like to be too uptight about the story choices, and would normally say "lighten up Francis" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=syV2LkGpQB0 [youtube.com]), but have to agree the news for nerds must be awfully slow today.
At least I learned that if I think some poor soul needs assistance, I should throw my drink at them.
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Slow news day. If they posted actual nerdy stuff, the fake nerds here would be turned off. I mean, if say they post about say the publication from CERN of a new lower bound of the mass of leptoquarks discovered recently https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.041... [arxiv.org] or the recent imaging of the the structure of mycobacterial ATP synthase bound to the tuberculosis drug bedaquiline https://www.nature.com/article... [nature.com] .. nobody would be interested.
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Or how the largest known hack in this country's history, affecting 18,000 companies and several government agencies, including one involving nuclear weapons, is totally under control [cnn.com], according to the con artist. This is in the same way the covid pandemic was totally under control [cnbc.com] and everything would be fine back in January.
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True... a crowdsourced app to find the jerk who threw the soda and drain their bank account would be more Slashdot's style.
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It's on Slashdot because that's the behaviour that's become normalized by Trump
While Trump is human garbage for sure, this behaviour unfortunately has been common for a long time. As is true for many of us I put in a tour in retail where I was abused by customers, though I was fortunate that I didn't get it quite this bad. Sometimes I think everyone should work a job in food or retail at some point in their lives so they can experience firsthand what those workers go through every day on the job.
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You can motivate people to give you money (Score:2)
by abusing other people in a politically symbolic way? ...
where is my industrialist hat and curled mustache, I need to visit my handicapped friends for a business proposal...
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And his cult still continues to give him money that he and his family are taking for things that those people did not intend the money to go.
So far, that money seems to be around half a billion dollars [vanityfair.com]. And growing.
You have to give the con artist credit. He's elevated grifting to an art form.
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"I want to speak to the manager!!" (Score:2)
I really can't stand when customers abuse service workers. I had to deal with entitled assholes like this when I worked a similar job in college. And it was in area where you probably wouldn't have expected this type of behavior.
I sliced your lettuce so you didn't have to....
Re:"I want to speak to the manager!!" (Score:5, Insightful)
This is a situation where people reveal their true face: When they believe they are dealing with somebody that their social inferior by far. Some become the abusive assholes they are. Some treat the service staff like parts of the furniture in boundless disdain. Some are extra polite because they understand they could inflict harm and want to prevent that.
Only the last stance is that of a good person. The first one is completely unacceptable and the second one is not much better.
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If people need a reason to be kind, at least be kind to the persons handling your food because they will fuck with it beyond belief if you are not.
So if the police have his license plate number ... (Score:2)
did they go and arrest him for abuse ?
Re:So if the police have his license plate number (Score:5, Insightful)
did they go and arrest him for abuse ?
More accurately, assault.
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The crime must have been committed by a white woman.
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No, this was a pregnant fast food worker not a rich white male.
Nice and all.... (Score:2)
Not exactly a lot of money with only $1700 on the line, but depending on what her taxable income was already, the tax man might still pose a bit of a pinch.
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Not exactly a lot of money with only $1700 on the line, but depending on what her taxable income was already, the tax man might still pose a bit of a pinch.
She appears to be working a cashier position at McDonalds.
I'm no accountant, but last I checked that's kind of like dividing by zero when it comes to worrying about major tax burdens.
Re:Nice and all.... (Score:5, Insightful)
An average McDonald's worker would probably have to work 190 hours to earn that much take-home pay. Do a quick calculation of how much you earn every 190 hours, and suddenly, you may get a better appreciation of what a nice windfall this is for this young woman.
Re:Nice and all.... (Score:5, Insightful)
An average McDonald's worker would probably have to work 190 hours to earn that much take-home pay. Do a quick calculation of how much you earn every 190 hours, and suddenly, you may get a better appreciation of what a nice windfall this is for this young woman.
It's effectively worth more: money has decreasing utility the more of it you have. The difference to your life between earning $10,000 per year and $20,000 is much bigger than the difference between $100,000 and $200,000.
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EITC (Score:2)
There's an easy wat to prevent this (Score:2)
You see lots of this sort of thing on /r/PublicFreakout, but the answer is almost always the same: someone needs their ass whupped without recourse to the courts. That doesn't require a change in the law, but the culture. We need to go back to a society where a "reasonable person" who happens to be male just might pull his car in front of this asshole, drag h
Re:There's an easy wat to prevent this (Score:5, Funny)
pull his car in front of this asshole, drag him out of his car and savagely remind the man to mind his fucking manners in public.
Exactly. America needs more vigilante justice, physical assaults, and road rage. Some drive-by shootings to avenge perceived insults would also be good. The violence and fear will strengthen our social bonds and create a harmonious culture.
Re: There's an easy wat to prevent this (Score:4, Informative)
BLM seems to be operating under that principle.
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BLM needs to merge with the NRA and make sure every black male exercizes their 2nd amendment right to carry a fully loaded M16. Will make the cops think twice aout getting their rocks off on overpolicing
The M16 is a machine gun, highly restricted in the US by the National Firearms Act of 1934, the Firearm Owners' Protection Act of 1986, and various state laws. On the other hand, armed self-defense by Black folks (not using machine guns) was practiced from at least the 1930s into the 1960s. I have several books on the topic, including This Nonviolent Stuff'll Get You Killed: How Guns Made the Civil Rights Movement Possible, by Charles E Cobb, Jr. and Negroes with Guns, by Robert F Williams (1962), describi
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Great plan, except that there are a ton of people who consider themselves a 'reasonable person' who are actually completely off their nut. Not quite sure how we decide who gets to administer whoopass and who doesn't.
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That doesn't require a change in the law, but the culture. We need to go back to a society where a "reasonable person" who happens to be male just might pull his car in front of this asshole, drag him out of his car and savagely remind the man to mind his fucking manners in public.
There are three problems with that. One is that ass kickings give permanent effects, like lifelong pain, mental handicapping, or simply losing one's job due to being covered in blood and scaring the crap out of everyone. There is the debt of needing to pay for an emergency room visit. It's likely the victim would get in a car accident trying to get to the hospital. It isn't justice when the consequences are not carefully evaluated. A punch to the head (or more rarely, chest) can even kill.
The second problem
Re: There's an easy wat to prevent this (Score:2)
You have just described the "toxic masculinity" feminists want to drag society away from. In cases where physical strenght, stature or agression seem to be justified, why is it suddenly OK to expected the vilified sex to step up and take the danger onto themselves, but otherwise crawl bac
Re: The usual racism in Georgia (Score:2, Troll)
Whatâ(TM)s race got do with any of this!
I looked and could find no reference as to the drivers race, only that he was made.
Saying omg da usual racizm because a fast food worker is black in a predominantly black state is idiotic